Friday, June 01, 2007


We were talking while in Chicago about how me and Debbie have added a few states to where we have been. Shawn has been to 34! Kim right behind him with 33! I have absolutely no idea I have been in - so time for a list.
Let's see - first the three states I have lived in:
1. New Mexico
2. Texas
3. Florida
States I have spent some actual time in visiting:
4. Georgia
5. California
6. Illinois
7. Maryland (including Washington, D.C.)
8. North Carolina
9. Colorado
10. Ohio
States I have driven through:
11. Louisiana
12. Alabama
13. Mississippi
14. South Carolina
States I have stopped in during flights:
15. Tennessee
16. Minnesota
17. Utah
State that I visited as a child with no recollection of:
18. Oklahoma - confirmed by my brother as I was a baby!

That's all that come to mind. So 18. No where near Shawn's 34! But actually more than I thought.

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