Went to the pain management doctor this morning. He will be the one to actually do the spinal injections. There will be a series of three injections. One this coming Wednesday - April 1 – and then every other week for 2 more weeks – a total of 3 injections.
To better explain what is going on – I have what is known as a “Pars Defect” in my lower L5 vertebrae causing ‘spondylolysis’. It is a defect in the spine that occurs in only three to six percent of the population. This defect can cause instability in the vertebra, much like a loose hinge in a door.
Now what that means is – I have a defect of the L5 vertebrae that over time has fractured on my left side. A stress fracture. This causes the spinal canal to narrowed because the fracture effectively flattens the canal and pinches the nerves running through them when in motion. The first picture I posted is from the cat scan I had on Monday and is showing the L5 vertebrae. You can see the ‘void’ on the left side of the vertebrae (which is actually on the right side of the picture) and this is the fracture and where all of my pain is coming from. The right side is normal. The second picture is from an x-ray with an arrow pointing to the “pars defect” which gives you a better idea of where this is located in relation to the rest of your body – and where all of my pain is radiating from.
This pain is in the hips or upper legs and is often confused with “sciatica” which is what most people think of when they hear of pinched nerves – usually from a slipped disc. This is not my issue.
Good luck with the shots and therapy. I will be praying that it works and you won't need surgery.
Love ya,
Found your site through Google search on Pars Defect. Hope the injections went well for you. I'm 46 and after 5 years and 10 epidural injections my only option for any relief is an L-5 fusion (tomorrow). Good luck with it!
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