Five Star Iris - Live Fools will be released on December 4. Head on over to the Five Star Iris store to order your copy today!
Just read that Ringo Starr is being inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame as a solo artist!
Congrats Ringo!
So - for all of us poor people who’ve been hoping for a cheaper iPhone - at Apple’s online store, you can now buy one - refurbished - for $100 less than retail.
Just heard that the band we’re friends with – Five Star Iris – has been selected out of over 1500 bands to perform at the Pentagon in September. They recently completed a tour of bases over in Iraq as well. Quite an honor. They just seem poised and ready to burst big nationwide. Time will tell.
Man it has rained a lot the last few days! We needed it though!
Went over to Shannon’s last night for dinner. The rain had flooded her garage! Deb made chicken and we all ate and I played with Hailey most of the evening.
Earlier in the day Deb went to a Walmart grand opening where she got a lot of freebies. That’s always nice.
Raymond called and he was just approved for a house, so he will be moving in there the first week of July.
So I guess that means EVERYONE will have moved in the last few months – Me and all my kids and Michael and all his!
Go figure!
I did get good news today. My light bill for the month is $185!! My last one at the old townhouse was almost $400!! Man that’s nice.
The RUSH tour started last night in Atlanta. Brandon flies in tomorrow and we hit the show Saturday night! Should be AWESOME!
I’m working on a Photobucket album of our trip to Chicago to visit Kim and Shawn, so I’ll post a link to that as soon as it is ready.
Good times….
On Saturday we helped to move Shannon into her new house. Nice big 3 bedroom house on the outskirts of Apopka. After a snag at the Uhaul place (surprise) all seemed to go really smoothly and we had her moved in by 1 in the afternoon. Hailey and I spent quite a bit of time on the floor playing together before we left. Good times!
On Sunday we met Raymond, Amanda and William at the West Oaks Mall and we all went to see Shrek The Third. William was good for about an hour then got bored and then Deb was up following him around the theatre. Not sure enjoyed themselves more – Deb or William!
So we were able to see all the family this weekend – and all was enjoyable.
Good times…Chicago is coming on fast. Only 2 days till we leave.
I keep getting asked – ‘what are doing while there?’. The answer is – not much actually. Going to see some friends of ours – renowned author Shawn Killackey and his lovely wife Kim – and their daughter Nicole. So the visit will be more a social event than a touristy trip. We have however made plans to go to the Field Museum to see Sue. It’s also a holiday weekend, so there may be some other plans to do around that - but that’s really just about it!
Maybe I need to do a quick web search to see what else we just HAVE to do while we are there.
Ozzy Osbourne has always been a dividing influence. From Black Sabbath and during his solo career - biting off bats and urinating on the Alamo - Ozzy created trouble! His fans loved it and everyone else absolutely hated him. Those feelings have changed. Metal's wildest satanic madman became MTV’s favorite incoherent dad. Old fans scratched their heads and new fans ate it up. Hence came the problems with his music. New fans were given a watered down Ozzy on the disappointing Down To Earth. Ozzy’s longtime guitarist Zakk Wylde was even putting it down before it is was even released!! A retrospective box set and a dreadful covers cd followed. Truly lean years for Ozzy’s faithful.
At long last Ozzy has finally given the old and new fans something to hang their hat on. Black Rain is a very pleasant surprise. Ozzy is engaged and in fine voice. His vocals are strong. His delivery is remarkably clear. He claims this was the first record he has done sober. Upon hearing that I figured – oh no – this is gonna be really bad! Fortunately, a sober Ozzy is also a pissed off Ozzy. There are still the obligatory songs about being crazy, but on tracks like "Not Going Away” and "Civilize the Universe", Ozzy has transformed into resentment and angry finger pointing. Now THIS is the Ozzy I can get into to! The band stretches out on the album's ambitious centerpiece “God Bless The Almighty Dollar”. This is a mini-epic metal masterpiece. It’s based on Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth and is anchored by a rugged funky-metal groove. Complete with a spacey bridge and an intricate, King Crimsonish style middle, It doesn't feel like a seven-minute track!
I’ll admit – as I think everyone would, we will never hear another Blizzard of Ozz, or No More Tears - that was a different time with different musicians - but start to finish this is a great listen. Zakk Wylde – who co-write 8 of the 10 tunes, brings what he has been doing with Black Label Society into this record. That means big riffs and REAL guitar solos. Blasko is on bass and Faith No More's co-founder Mike Bordin on drums. Both are perfect fits for Ozzy's style of metal and are rock solid.
Producer Kevin Churko sprinkles in some electronic textures and sonic manipulations which make the record feel fresh and contemporary sounding, but does so sparingly.
Along with this being his first record made sober - Ozzy's Black Rain is also his first record in years that's worth the money. With any luck, it won't be the last.
4 out of 5 stars
I’ve been looking over my calendar for the next few months and WOW – we have packed a lot of plans into them already. That’s what made me sit down and write it all out. Wanted to make sure nothing overlapped!
On the horizon:
May 18 – Five Star Iris at the Social
May 19 – Roger Waters at the Ford Amphitheatre
May 26-31 – Me and Deb will be in Chicago
June 2 – Kenny Chesney at the Ford Amphitheatre
June 16 – Rush at the Ford Amphitheatre – this one is a maybe. Still waiting on word from Mr Carson if he is making the trek…
June 22-24 Me and Deb will be in Atlanta – will see Five Star Iris at the SOB
July 11 – The Police at the St Pete Times Forum
And we are penciling in a August trip to San Antonio to see Deb’s mom.
Shaping up to be a exciting summer!It’s funny - as I don't like reading most album reviews, as I like to form my own opinins instead of having pre-set ideas before I listen for myself - yet here I am in the span of a few days doing another!!
However - I cannot stop playing this CD. Rush reviews, have become filled with all the popular clichés like "a return to form!" or "sounds like their previous album!" or "it's an anthem!" or "it's powerful and majestic!" but - this CD flat out ROCKS. I've always liked Rush for their ability to reinvent their sound - good or bad. Needless to say, this album is very different from their previous release, Vapor Trails. No disrespect intended to Vapor Trails, but this is simply a better album in terms of production, sound and songwriting, and, thematically, Snakes & Arrows seems like a more ‘important’ work.
That said - now time for my cliché - “Snakes & Arrows is, musically and lyrically, one of the best recordings of Rush's 35 year history.” Rush’s studio output over the last decade or so (which basically includes two albums, Vapor Trails and 1996’s Test For Echo) has not been without its share of memorable moments, including such tracks as “Resist”, “One Little Victory”, and “Secret Touch”, but the band’s move away from the synthesizer music of the 1980s that brought them worldwide fame in favor of the power trio set-up seemed to come at the expense of the bands driving force - the guitar work of Alex Lifeson. In the case of Vapor Trails, actual solos were nonexistent. Snakes & Arrows, on the other hand, has Lifeson taking a completely different approach, and the band sounds re-energized in the process. His guitar work is rich, melodic, and diverse, and fans will be thrilled to know that it doesn’t come at the expense of the band’s overall heaviness. He provides layer upon layer of ‘clean’ chords, acoustic guitars throughout (at the suggestion of David Gilmour!!), and tastefully-mixed distortion.
I’ve been listening also to some interviews with the band about the new CD and drummer Neil Peart describes this album as his "lover's quarrel with the world. " It's not necessarily a protest album, or autobiographical, but his lyrics seem very personal this time out with a heavy religious tone to them. In “Far Cry” reflects his own personal spiritual journey: “One day I feel I’m ahead of the wheel / And the next it’s rolling over me / I can get back on.” Good stuff! His drumming – as always – is just top notch! He’s clearly enjoying tossing different elements into the mix, from his elaborate tom fills, African-inspired rhythms, jazz-influenced breaks, and even a cool ‘flange’ effect on hi-hat.
Geddy Lee’s lead vocals hold up exceptionally well. Age has taken down his vocal range a touch, but he sounds well aware of his vocal range, and he sounds comfortable throughout the entire record.
Acoustic guitar dominates “Workin’ Them Angels”, but it’s Peart’s lonesome traveler lyrics that lead the way, sung by Lee in a superb vocal turn. “The Larger Bowl” sounds downright relaxed, a masterful display of a lyrical structure. Lee’s bass dominates “Spindrift”, Lifeson almost channels Stevie Ray Vaughan on the politically charged “The Way the Wind Blows”, and then gets all jazzy during his solos on “Bravest Face”.
Of the three instrumentals, two are especially noteworthy (not to discount Lifeson’s acoustic interlude “Hope"), showcasing the trio’s chemistry. “Malignant Narcissism” cranks up the funk, anchored by Lee’s bassline, while “The Main Monkey Business” is old school Rush. I’ve been checking out the Rush fan websites and it is this track that everyone seems to love the most.
To me - It’s enough of a surprise that Rush has managed to remain together for 33 years, but the fact that they’ve done so while retaining their musical integrity is an even bigger achievement. This CD may be their best yet. Oops – theres a cliché!!
5 out of 5 starsObserved an interesting juxtaposition this morning while driving into work.
Me and Deb were listening to the new Van Zant CD (which you must check out – just good stuff) and in the song “I Can’t Help Myself” there are the lines:
“Jesus help me - Obviously, I can't help myself
I've got nobody else - Send me an Angel
Someone to strangle - That ol' demon that's haunting me there on the shelf
I can't help myself”
As these lines were playing - at the same time we observed a homeless man with his shopping cart loaded full with cardboard and blankets – probably all his possessions – slowly making his way across the street as we went by.
If this was a movie - that could well have been the soundtrack playing along with the scene. I turned to mention it to Deb and she was already observing him and as I said that – she said she was thinking the same thing.
That vaporous image has stuck with me all morning.